By accessing and browsing the siliceum (the “Company”) website or by using and/or downloading any content from same, you agree and accept the Terms of Use as set forth below.
Website editor
The website is the property of S.A.S siliceum, registered at RCS CLERMONT-FERRAND 891 550 972.
- SIRET: 89155097200022
- SIREN: 891550972
The office is currently located at the business incubator Pascalis, 8 allée Evariste Galois - 63000 Clermont Ferrand - FRANCE.
- E-Mail:
- Website:
The website editor is Mr Cédric CHARIÈRE FIEDLER.
This website is hosted by Microsoft (Azure cloud services).
It is geographically located in Microsoft's data center in
West Europe.
For more information, please refer to:
Microsoft Azure Legal Information
Data protection and privacy - Microsoft
This website ( is the synthesis of multiple software products (shaman by siliceum, Microsoft Azure Storage for static website). The user experience was designed for use on the Firefox and Chrome web browsers, computers and phones. As to benefit from the best experience of its content, you ask you to use a recent version of those web browsers and to enable javascript.
The Company siliceum does its utmost to deliver trustworthy information and updates of its websites. However, errors or omissions can happen. The User shall therefore take all necessary care to check the correctness of the Information. The Company can not be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the website or the use or other dealings in the website.
This website is protected by intellectual property rights including but not limited to trademarks, copyright, etc. and is the exclusive property of the Company. Any material that it contains, including, but not limited to, texts, data, graphics, pictures, sounds, videos, logos, icons, html code or javascript code is protected under intellectual property law and remains the Company or third party’s property.
You may copy, download and print off this material for personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with the principles governing intellectual property laws. Any other use of the content of the Company’s website without the Company’s prior written authorization is prohibited. Therefore, you must not modify any material from the Company’s website in any way.